Frequently Asked Questions
The SDA Design Standard is a guide for what must be included in Specialist Disability Accommodation, it provides clarity about design requirements and compliance. It also provides architects, builders and the community information about how accommodation for people with disability should be built.
Yes. SDA and SIL are typically both included in a person’s plan, however will be funded separately within your NDIS plan. This allows more flexibility and choice with choosing which provider you’d prefer to provide your SIL and SDA supports. In some instances, you could be eligible for SIL, and not SDA and vice versa. If you’re concerned about your eligibility, speak with your Support Coordinator or Allied Health Professional.
An SDA assessment involves an extensive evaluation of your current and future needs, it starts with a Home and Living goal in your NDIS plan and filling out a Home and Living Supports Request Form and provides a recommendation to the NDIS to determine your eligibility for Specialist Disability Accommodation - this includes the specific environmental features required for optimal independence and safety. Your support coordinator will assist you with this process.
The SDA provider is the landlord of the NDIS participant living in the SDA. They will claim SDA from your NDIS plan in addition to a reasonable rent contribution from your DSP.
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with "extreme functional impairment", or "very high support needs". It aims to make accessing supports easier, increasing independence, choice and control. SDA usually involves living with a small number of other people but can also be built for single residents depending on funding from your NDIS plan.
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