Eligibility for SDA
Who is eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)?
When making decisions about who is eligible to have SDA in their plan, the NDIS looks at the following 3 categories:
1) Extreme functional impairment and very high support needs
This looks like having difficulty doing day to day tasks independently; for example, not being able to attend to your own personal care, moving around on your own, or needing significant assistance to take care of yourself or your home (e.g. cooking and cleaning).
2) Is SDA the right solution for you?
The NDIS will consider how SDA will support you to achieve your goals, if it will help you to be more independent, how it will increase your participation with your social networks and if it will give you long term benefits. They will explore a range of options with you to make sure you will get the support you need.
3) Does providing SDA funding meet their legislative requirements?
The NDIS use a criteria called ‘Reasonable and Necessary’ to make decisions on all funding included in your NDIS plan. The criteria looks at different aspects to make sure it is safe, beneficial, will help you to achieve you goals, and whether they are the most appropriate funding body for this support.
For additional information, visit our resources page or contact us to find out more.

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